moenochrom: a new chapter.

I've reached a pivotal moment in my photographic journey - one that calls for a shift in perspective and practice. For years, my monochromatic photography has been a cherished endeavor, captured solely on analog 35mm film. The process was a labor of love, but recent reflections have led me to reconsider the path I've been treading.

Environmental consciousness has taken center stage in my decision-making. The weight of unnecessary resource consumption, plastic waste, paper usage, toxic chemicals, electricity, and water has grown heavy on my conscience. The journey from capturing an image to producing a digital rendition shouldn't come at such a cost to our planet. It's time for change.

Enter the legendary Leica M9 Monochrom - a game-changer that has reshaped my approach. This remarkable digital camera brings with it unparalleled image quality, surpassing all that I've known before. The richness and depth of the monochromatic images it produces are awe-inspiring, rekindling my passion for this art form.

Beyond its environmental benefits, the M9 Monochrom offers practical advantages. It allows me to travel lighter, packing only two cameras and three lenses, yet equipped with everything I need to capture the essence of a moment. The magic of black and white photography, which has captured my heart over time, remains intact - enhanced even - through the capabilities of this extraordinary camera.

This transition signifies not a departure from my beloved monochromatic realm, but rather an evolution - a stepping into a new era while preserving the soul of my artistic expression. I'm thrilled to embark on this new chapter, where I can share more of my visual stories captured through the lens of the Leica M9 Monochrom. Stay tuned for a journey that promises to be as vibrant as it is timeless.


The Canon 5D "Classic": A timeless journey.


A night of analogue photography.